Ingress AMA Archive

Any clarifications regarding portal/wayspot criteria is outdated.
Please refer to the official Wayfarer criteria for all current criteria

Found 72 results for Rating

October 2019

Q40: In OPR, does the "What is it?" section effect your rating status at all?
A40: The Wayfarer team tells me it does not affect your rating.
Q47: In OPR, why are the categories 1-5 stars? Several of them should be binary Yes/No or ternary Yes/No/Maybe. For example, for Location - 1 star would suggest wrong location (which should disqualify it, per Portal Criteria), 3 is maybe it is there, and 5 is definitely there, I can see on the map or in street view. What would 2 or 4 mean? Similarly, Title. It's either accurate, or not, right? What would 2, 3, or 4 mean for Title?
A47: This has been answered in a previous AMA. The stars are a five point gradient scale for how accurate or correct the submission and information matches the category. Title isn’t actually binary. Especially if the title of the candidate isn’t overtly clear. In the case of a plaque or known work of art, sure. But not everything has a proper formal name leaving things a bit open to interpretation. In those cases, can you discern what the candidate is by the title? If a concrete statue of a pink elephant was created in October 1999 to commemorate breast cancer awareness month and the title submitted was “Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Elephant Statue”, that should be a five star because it is a descriptive title or official title. If the candidate title is just, “Pink Elephant Statue”... then that might be a 4 star rating. If the title is “Elephant Statue” then perhaps a 3 rating. If the submitted title is just “Cement Animal Statue” that might be a 2. If it is just “Statue” or “Pizza Restaurant”, that might be a 1.
Q71: Can you say, unequivocally and with total certainty, that Niantic DOES care about its player base and that you DO listen to every feedback you get from us?
A71: I can unequivocally and with total certainty that Niantic DOES care about its player base. I do not know how I would even attempt to measure and quantify things to determine with total certainty that we read, listened, or captured every piece of feedback ever sent to us across all forms of possible communication. As it relates to Ingress, if Niantic didn’t care we wouldn’t continue to try to close loops that are being used for cheating. In the early days, you could simply enable mock locations on Android, download a GPS application and spoof with impunity. I wouldn’t have been allowed to create the Trusted Reporter program as a way to address cheating reactively to help close the capabilities gap between proactive cheat detection and cheaters if we didn’t care. I wouldn’t have been allowed to create the Vanguard program to gather unencumbered feedback and certainly wouldn’t have been approved to fly those players to San Francisco for a multi-day meeting with internal key Ingress stakeholders if we didn’t care. If Niantic didn’t care, the game would look like it did in 2012 with wireframe models and a sub-par quality of life interface and battery performance that was used to quickly establish a proof of concept product. I know the topic of Ingress Prime is a powder keg, but my subjectiveness aside, objective studies with both veteran players and focus groups with people off the street quantifiably show the Prime interface is easier to use. We could have stopped iterating if we didn’t care. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t have the ability to reset Portals and restore them due to the actions of bad actors. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t have worked with Agent Stats to include a stat export in Prime would be compatible with them. If we didn’t care we would simply sell level 8 and very rare items to generate money. I imagine remote rechargers, intel operators, and puzzle solvers wouldn’t be rewarded with Anomaly medals if we didn’t care as we would only focused on in-person Anomaly attendees. If we didn’t care I wouldn’t be doing this AMA to try to give insight into things, address questions, and add some transparency to the company. If Niantic didn’t care they wouldn’t have sent me on travel 100 days each year to interface with players around the world and gather feedback. I would have quit my job if that was the case because it meant I spent one-third of year away from my family for no reason. Tangible real change has occurred because Niantic cares and listens. To look at the last seven years of the product’s life and suggest things have not evolved for the better is completely disingenuous. Don’t focus only on the few things that broke, you don’t like, or are popular to hate on. There has been A LOT of good things done as well. I won’t pretend that needed change is always timely. I won’t pretend that there haven’t been issues over the last seven years of Ingress’s existance. But the issues are not for a lack of caring or listening. The issues are caused by a variety of factors that we continue to actively identify and address like new people joining the team, limited resources and having to prioritize one thing over another, veteran team members transitioning to other roles within the company, using older technology and trying to leverage it in new ways we didn’t envision, etc. Don’t be an Internet hater and only focus on the bad. To do so dismisses and diminishes the actual good that has occurred and the people who are trying to institute additional future change.

August 2019

Q27: Ingress has been so far prevalently focused on PvP. While I understand that PvP will remain main focus for Ingress, are there any plans to add any kind of PvE content after turning off scanner redacted and migrating to other servers?
A27: I can’t say for certain that this will happen or when. But as myself and others have mentioned in the past, there is a strong desire to implement features and content like this and some planning has already occurred to flush out ideas around this when the time is right to start working on these sort of tasks.
Q62: Do you have any advice how to deal with fake portal submissions?
A62: Report them via the help center with the Portal title and location. Take a screenshot and attach that to your report. Also give them a one star rating in OPR.
Q74: Why is GPS spoofing tolerated?
A74: I’ll bite and take the bait. GPS spoofing is not tolerated. Falsifying your location is explicitly called out as a violation of the Niantic Terms of Service. But I think there is a misunderstanding in how complex this issue is. There are an infinite number of transportation options that a person can take to get from point A to point B. Niantic does NOT have the local knowledge of all of the possible paths and ways to get between two Portals using land, sea, and sky. That’s why the reporting system exists. People have legitimately used boats, planes, helicopters, cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, roller skates, and climbed mountains to capture Portals. A common complaint I hear is, “Why can’t NIA OPS just look at Google Maps to see traveling the distance is impossible.” The answer is, besides extreme cases, it is very possible to travel very fast. I’ve had people approach me asking for help because an Account traveled between Portals three minutes faster than what Google Maps traffic said was possible. That is likely a request I’m not going to help with because it is in the realm of plausibility. The issue becomes how do we handle the extreme edge cases that seem to go missed? For that, I wish I had an answer I could give you that would be satisfying. All I can say is we continue to iterate on things to improve our anti-cheat measures. Anyone that has been playing since 2012 can attest that methods required to spoof over the years has been significantly reduced and the level of effort needed has increased. To say we tolerate spoofing is disingenuous and not true. The second issue that often gets overlooked is that you own your device. It is in your possession and you control it. Why does this matter? Android is based on Linux. How Android works is very well documented and known. Customizing your phones operating essentials (yes I’m being vague on purpose) is fairly trivial. This means that just about anything can be faked. In my opinion, banning by IP, MAC Address, Device ID, model, etc is a fool's errand. The same is true for Apple devices and iOS. So we employ much more advanced methods to look for signals of spoofing. NIA OPS always encourages you to report accounts via the Help Center. While we do miss some, this information is very useful in improving our anti-cheat systems. But our system isn’t perfect. No system is perfect. Just because someone has figured out an exploit that we have yet to find and eliminate doesn’t mean we tolerate spoofing. That’s like saying Epic Games tolerates cheating because a few players were banned. Come on…
Q99: Any chance you could post older AMAs that have been lost with the retirement of Google+, please?
A99: Josh Stock was curating a historical list. I don’t have the link handy but if I find it, I’ll update this answer with a link to it.

June/July 2019

Q64: Duplicate submission of candidates is currently generating a new picture in the preexisting portal. Can this function be removed?
A64: I am told that, the photo from a duplicate candidate is added to the existing Portal to give credit to the other player(s) who have submitted the same candidate. At this time, there are no plans of changing this but we would love to hear any concerns you may have with this feature.
Q69: When a portal has very positive ratings over all criteria, but only the location is wrong ,(e.g. 10 m from object that is visible) what should i rate overall? Does it make sense repositioning the POI and then give it 5*?
A69: NIA OPS recommendation is to rate each category based on the criteria mentioned in the guide. If you are able to verify the right location, use the ‘Suggest a new Location’ option to move the marker to the accurate location.

March 2019

Q15: Hey Andrew. I asked you on the livestream if you guys planning an update on the IngressPrimeFeedback spreadsheet. You guys started updating it and you guys stopped again. It's kinda frustrating to see that bugs resolved remains unresolved and people who see those assumes that the bugs are not resolved. Not daily but a weekly update on that spreadsheet maybe every 2 weeks with the update if you update that spreadsheet it would be awesome ❤️😊
A15: This is sadly a very sore spot for me as I was hoping we could update it more regularly. Unfortunately, it requires a small group of people to review the spreadsheet and note what the status of things are. Mapping user submitted feedback to the internal bugs and tasks isn’t quite automatic or 1 to 1 so it takes a bit of time. Give me a bit to work on updating how we can regularly update this.
Q79: In your previous AMA you briefly mentioned portal resets. Why does Niantic restore spoofed portals, but not undo other actions by bad actors? If a field was only taken down because of a spoofer, why should the faction that threw the field get the portal but not the field back?
A79: I spoke to our product and engineering teams about this. Their current plan is to create a tool that would allow us to restore spoofed links by the end of quarter two 2019. We’ll be working on the policy to use this tool and the evaluation criteria for the requests that are made. Much like the Portal reset tool, it will likely not be able to be used for every instance where a bad actor took an action. This will be the case where re-creating the link is trivial and easy to do for example. For Portal resets, we currently evaluate things based on the following criteria with different weights and scores given to each category which all have a sliding scale rating. I envision the same sort of process being applied to restoring links: Is the account banned? What is the distance from the nearest active Agents? What is the terrain like at the Portal and traveling to it? Is the Portal limited access or seasonal? What is the cellular reception at the Portal’s location? What is the cost to capture the Portal? How often is the Portal captured? How long was the Portal previously owned? Is the location a suspected farm for bots?

February 2019

Q3: As Prime is still rated at 4.2 and 2.6 on the play and app stores vs Redacted being rated at 4.6 and 4.7 respectively, is there talk about a relaunch of Prime that looks,acts, and PERFORMS just as good as redacted does?
A3: Saying something looks, acts, and performs as good as another thing is subjective. You may not agree with the following, but there are people that like the way Prime looks and acts. The performance has gotten measurably better compared to when it was first released to the point where most of the critical bugs have been addressed. There are always edge cases that cause things to happen, but 2.17.1 is extremely stable. I can understand the ratings being low for the initial version. But I would hope folks would update their scores as things have progressively improved over the months since launch. That’s the long way to say, no, REDACTED is at its end of life. Prime will be the only client and version going forward at some point in the near future.
Q40: Can we please have a report submission button, in the UK we have places like Pymmes Park and Basildon where submitters use fake pictures to try to get portals, or The Ivybridge Mural where a submitter continuously requests the same Mural again and again to try to get more portals from one piece of artwork
A40: I’m told that there should be a rejection reason for fake image uploads. If you give the Portal a one-star rating it should be an option. Let me know if this is not the case and we may have to look into it. But it seems to there in the quick test I did to verify. It’s labeled as “third party photo” under the rejection options.
Q42: There still is a lot of confusion about the star ratings in OPR, hypothetically, if every reviewer rates every section 2*, would that portal be accepted or rejected?
A42: I was told that, “If all reviewers rated all items 2* it would be rejected. Not all answers are considered equally so just the low safety rating would be a good reason for a rejection.”
Q47: Should portal candidates that contain references to Ingress (or Pokemon Go) game terminology in their title or description be rejected? If so, what reject reason should be used?
A47: NIA OPS says, “Give the candidate a one-star rating. Choose Text, then Title and Description in the rejection reason.”
Q48: Can we have a "naughty corner" for portal submitters with consistently low-quality portal submissions? Part of why OPR gets grating after a while is due to dealing with blatant couch portals, generic businesses, and downright offensive submissions because people fling stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
A48: NIA OPS told me that they monitor both submitters and reviewers and take action on people who consistently submit low-quality Portals.
Q77: When is Niantic going to admit openly they don't really care about how communities feel about the nearly overt negligence Niantic gives to organizers? When is Niantic going to admit Ingress is merely a sandbox for their other games, and they don't even care enough to sunset it, that they'd rather let it fade out and make everyone sad and neglected?
A77: I normally would not respond to questions like this. But I have met you, dotsamantha, and I know your questions come from a place of frustration. You aren’t asking simply to be a troll or rude like others. Let me try to unpack what you wrote and address things. There is no way I can speak to, or have knowledge of, every exchange between a Niantic employee and all of the potential community organizers over the last six years. People on both sides are human beings. Humans are imperfect creatures. I can’t say that every exchange has been positive. However, I’ve been involved in Ingress community organizing as a player as far back as 2012 and now as the Ingress Global Community Manager for Niantic. I would not describe anything I’ve witnessed or been exposed to as overt negligence towards any player organizer. It isn’t in our (Niantic’s) best interest to be overtly negligent. It sounds like there may be an issue I’m unaware of or perhaps thought was resolved that is not. I’d like nothing more than to help resolve whatever it is. Feel free to reach out to me to provide some additional context. Making sweeping generalization can be more destructive than constructive. To add some context, Niantic has demonstrated the desire to improve the way they communicate with event organizers and to empower them. There exist multiple Slack teams for various types of events to facilitate direct communication with Niantic employees and event planners. This was not always the case. Event organizers are selected via player nominations and no longer via Niantic networks. Anyone can apply for Ingress First Saturdays, Mission Days, and for the first time ever -- we asked the Osiris Sequence POCs to nominate cities for Anomaly events. Anomaly organizer have a clear set of instructions and documentations to follow. This is something that didn’t always exist and continually gets updated and improved. Mission Day and Anomaly POCs are rewarded with limited edition items like volunteer coins. That wasn’t always the case. Niantic often helps fund faction organized Anomaly after parties too. Last year, Niantic took on the financial and contractual burden of securing hotels for players for Anomalies from Anomaly POCs. Have all of these things happened perfectly and without issues? No… But we tried. Anomaly POCs also get to review the Anomaly rules and provide input before they are published. That never happened in the past either. We ornament the playboxes in advance to ensure what Anomaly POCs requested is what we plan on using. Mission Day missions get fast-tracked. There are lots of examples that demonstrate anything but negligence and shows Niantic not only cares but wants to improve the relationship we have with event organizers and the community in general. Neither party is going to get 100% of what they want. But over the last several years it feels like there has been a great deal of collaboration and compromise that has occurred. Our EMEA regional Community Manager just took a day trip from Germany to The Netherlands to meet with the Amsterdam POCs to resolve a few issues face to face instead of doing it via a phone call to maximize the ability to resolve problems. For the second question you posted, I would advise you to go back and read last month’s AMA. I address the original purpose of Ingress, it’s history, and how vested Niantic is in its success and future. I also include a recent direct quote from John Hanke on the topic. We don’t want it to fade away. Nor is it being neglected either. There are software updates that come out every two weeks for Ingress Prime. It is in active development with a team of dedicated engineers working on it. A feature roadmap was posted months ago. This was another first and something we did to communicate more directly with the players and to manage expectations. We now publish detailed release notes that show what changed and what we are working on. We are collaborating with players and created an active feedback loop by establishing the /r/IngressPrimeFeedback subreddit. I hold monthly AMAs dedicated to Ingress and clarifying issues and adding a layer of transparency. This isn’t a product that exhibits any sign of being shelved and fading away from a corporate support point of view. Quite the opposite. Are we perfect? No. But to say we don’t care and aren’t trying is just simply not true.

November 2018

Q4: Reviewing a “brief” outline of the Ingress Prime Beta release program announcements, promises, and actions (listed below), can you please forward to the folks in charge of Player Communication how frustrating it is to have such scattershot and inconsistent communication? A great summary of the “complaint”:
A4: We’ve already started having deep conversations on how to do better and some changes have already started to occur internally. Your point is valid and not lost on us.
Q27: Where is the best place to suggest improvements?
A27: Currently, the best thing is to visit https://www.reddit.c.... That subreddit was created by players who are curating feedback for us and inputting into a publicly accessible spreadsheet for tracking and transparency. We are monitoring it and it has been a great resource for us.
Q46: Are there any plans to display the status of portal submissions? what ratings they’re receiving, how many reviews they’ve received, and a way to see/report/track a submission that appears to have gone into limbo(where you do not get the submission back after logging out and back/uninstalling & reinstalling) and never receive a confirmation email?
A46: There are ongoing discussions about new features. Nothing have been decided yet though.
Q55: Why did you release Prime beta as an "update" of the actually ingress classic less than 2 weeks before a round of anomaly?
A55: Releasing it as an update ensured that all of our users have a seamless way to receive Ingress Prime. It also makes the inevitable force upgrade possible and painless. We also retain all the feedback and ratings so people understand what it is about on the app stores when they discover it.
Q70: How much will Niantic look at input from the new subreddit?
A70: Almost daily. When users flagged the issues with attacking and linking we immediately started to investigate this and added it to our priority list of things to fix. We might not always comment on things. But we are watching it closely and the moderators are doing a heroic job curating all the content. Their passion to help make Ingress better is extremely appreciated.
Q139: Could you comment on what the OPR rating stars actually mean? Our local chats have been debating this round and round again. Some say that 5* is full accept, 3* is unsure, 1* is reject, so therefore 2* is a rejection but not terrible, 4* is accepting but not 100% behind it. Others argue that 2* and up are acceptances, since 1* is the only reject.
A139: Three is considered neutral. Anything less is negative and anything above is positive. 1 being the most negative and 5 being the most positive.

September 2018

Q5: In the December 11th AMA, NIAOps confirmed that we should treat scout camps and installations as schools because of the target age range. This raises some questions regarding youth clubs and centres - should we be treating them as schools as well and rating 1* overall? If this is the case, is there any chance that the criteria can be updated please as there are a lot of scout huts, youth centres, etc. making their way through OPR.
A5: According to NIA OPS, “If it is only for K12 age children, it should be rated with a one star. If it is for adults and kids it can be rated based on the other criteria.” They also add, “We are updating the guide based on these questions and discussions we see in the OPR G+ Community. Post in the G+ Community if you have not already.”
Q7: Some confusion has arisen in our local OPR chat about how we should be rating subs that are not safely accessible - please can you confirm whether we should rate the sub as per other criteria then 1* safe access, or whether we should be giving 1* to “should this be a portal”?
A7: The guidance from NIA OPS that I received is to review the candidate as per the rest of the criteria and use the location questions to address the safety issue.

August 2018

Q4: An OPR one for you: In the UK, Historic England, local government and civic societies erect “blue plaques” to commemorate an event, (famous) person, former building, etc. that the location has a link with. Quite a few are placed on the exterior walls omcf private residences to commemorate the link with famous people (e.g. “so and so lived here from X to Y”, or “so and so was born in this house”) and we have been having some discussions in our local OPR chat group about the rating that these should be given. My take is that the ones on the sides of people’s houses should be rejected as 1*, even if they are visible from the pavement/sidewalk, as they are still on Private Residential and the specific Historic House guidance would apply – please can you confirm if this is a correct interpretation? p.s. what is your favourite type of tea?
A4: I spoke to NIA OPS, and they said your point of view on the situation is correct. If the location is currently in use as a private residence then the candidate should be 1* even if it has historical or cultural significance.
Q47: We get told by AMA and other sources to lodge a ticket with NIA Ops for multiaccounting issues. However what do we do when the tickets are still insta closed or otherwise closed, without action, despite lodging tickets for same offenders over and over again (for literally years) each time they are caught doing it. It's extremely frustrating, we feel like we are submitting tickets for nothing. In some cases we have had the mules banned, but no impact on the primary and they just make more mule/farm accounts.
A47: Please read this post from NIA OPS for reference:

July 2018

Q18: Will Ingress Prime work similar or better than Ingress 1.x? There is a lot of concern that the User Experience will be much more frustrating due to (un-skipable?) animations and a general focus on eye-candy rather than efficiency.
A18: They are completely different products so it is hard to compare them. The Quality of Life (QoL) improvements made to Ingress Prime are fantastic though.
Q46: It is true that images of missions that have only one letter are rejected?
A46: NIA OPS said, in general, if the image does not relate to the overall Mission content (title/description/waypoints) it could be rejected. If you are creating a Mission series, consider integrating the text as part of the banner image instead of using individual characters per Mission.
Q64: Could we trouble NiaOps for a complete breakdown of what the star ratings specifically mean for each category? There is a lot of confusion. I.E. 3 star overall is an unsure rating... Well What's a two star rating for then?
A64: NIA OPS recommendation is to view the scale this way. 1 = strongly disagree. 5 = strongly agree. So a 4 star rating might be for a candidate that you agree should be a Portal but is not necessarily a super high quality Portal. They are going to review the training and tips and add this clarification where appropriate.

April 2018

Q1: What's the stance on live in businesses. Ones that are registered and operating as a business but also have an attached residence, or a residential house on the land of operations?
A1: I spoke to NIA OPS, they said, “Depends on the Portal candidate. If the candidate is associated with the business and meets our criteria (for example a hyper-local cafe), this would be ok.“

March 2018

Q28: Any news about portals in limbo? It is a bit frustrating waiting 6 months (for now) without answer.
A28: I am told that we are going through a few processes and upgrading parts of OPR. We are making progress but it will take some additional time before things are all final.
Q31: Hi Andrew, here in Hyderabad India, we have only one faction players doing OPR and there's a backlog of over 1000 and growing, Such large backlog is creating problem of duplicate submissions (which probably at some point will affect our OPR rating) . Any plans to handle such situations!
A31: The OPR team has told me, “We have begun and will continue to adjust the frequency of assigning candidates from outside of ones normal OPR areas. It will take some time but this should help with areas that don't have enough OPR participation.”
Q69: Does our personal approved or declined OPR submissions play a role in our OPR rating or is it solely the candidates we analyze?
A69: NIA OPS says it is based on the candidates they analyze, not your submissions.
Q72: What are your thoughts on reopening a submission appeals community with the caveat that rejected submissions entered there must fall under the NIA Ops recommended 5 star rating list (gazebo, playground, etc.)? It is getting very frustrating to have the OPR reviewers fail to follow the recommendations and use their personal opinions on what a portal shouldn't be.
A72: Thanks for this question. I has spawned a discussion internally and we are working on a plan to do something.

February 2018

Q23: You said in previous AMAs that you would like a larger focus on First Saturdays this year. Is that still the case and would it mean Niantic taking the administration side in-house, instead of the current Fev Games involvement? As an organiser, while I appreciate their involvement greatly, it's frustrating that First Saturday submissions can't be made until around 10 days before the event and that results sometimes don't appear until weeks later. I'd like to think that would improve if Niantic were more directly involved. What's your view?
A23: I want to make Ingress First Saturdays big events. Not Anomaly big. But where a couple hundred people can come together and enjoy the game in a non-competitive atmosphere with both new and veteran players. My big asks would be for a tiered medal for participation and merchandise kits that we can send to POCs to reward players that come. I still like the fact that the community is involved with organizing them. I’m not sure I would want to take things away from Fev Games, who I think have done a great job. But I think Niantic can provide more logistical support than we previously do and scale them up.

23 Jan 2018 (Sydney NL 1331 Meetup)

Q6: Will it be running on the same backend?
A6: At launch, yes. We will migrate to our new platform in late 2018. That will be phase 2, migrating it onto the pokemon go backend - phase 1 rolling it out.
Q38: Any way to get out of a poor rating on OPR?
A38: In my experience, people are doing things too quickly, so take your time. Even if you make your decision in a few seconds, just take your time before you actually push that submit button, otherwise you’re probably going to flag something.

January 2018

Q4: Are Spectre and Meltdown bugs fixed with Ingress 2.0?
A4: Google has fixed the Android Operating system:
Q41: Since we can't appeal rejected submissions anymore, how about adding the average ratings to the rejection mail so we know what was likely the reason?
A41: Good idea. I'll pass it along.

December 19th 2017

Q75: Can you describe to us in full detail what criteria goes into determining the OPR “credit” performance rating?
A75: I can't. I'm not involved in the development of the system so I don't know the magic sauce myself.
Q110: Why doesn't GameMaster or OPS or whoever, pick anomaly sites based on the recent FS performance of cities around the globe? That would be much more rewarding for agents who want stuff and are willing to make an effort to make things happen.
A110: Because there are business inputs and goals that need to be considered. If we didn't care about operating costs or making a profit we could hold a popularity contest and simply have events at locations that win whatever contest is used. But there are real world business costs associated with holding live events that cannot be ignored in favor of "Hey this city did great during Ingress FS - let's give them an Anomaly."
Q156: Did OPR rater difficulty get dialed up recently? There's been a good number of recent posts of OPR ratings going to poor.
A156: I don't know. I am rarely privy to that sort of information. For good reason.
Q177: We had a nice op this past weekend. Sadly, the hub portal was spoofed down by an obvious backpack account. Why are spoofers allowed to ruin other agents' hard work?
A177: Why are they allowed? They are not allowed. Niantic does not grant spoofers permission to ruin the actions of others. In fact, we fight quite hard to quell spoofer activity on a daily basis. If the question is how can they still spoof - the answer is that cheating, and spoofing specifically, is a very tough thing to control when the user controls the platform, device, operatings system, etc.
Q181: We have had plenty of reports here of agents from both faction getting “Poor” OPR ratings and being unable to improve that rating despite rating portals in a similar way to everyone else. This is leading to agents giving up on OPR which reduces the pool of reviewers. Do you have any concerns about the way the OPR rating system is calibrated?
A181: I have concerns about Agents colluding to rate submissions in a similar way. If a person is doing this and their rating drops to poor... I think the system is working as intended.
Q187: Hey Andrew , I am way to dipressed with players using their multiple account of opposite faction just to level up make their portals of high level. There are using multiple devices and we have reported them multiple times (it is complete visible they are cheating) but every time the report closes without any action. This is happening for some while now and this is making me leave the game as there is no fun left , literally player from my region leveled up l10 to l12 using there multiple accounts in just 4 hours . When we ask them why they did this , they simply answer do what ever you can do we will play like this only..😔😔😔😔
A187: It can be frustrating. But keep reporting them. They will eventually get caught.

December 11th 2017

Q12: I dropped from great to poor in opr exactly a week ago. In that time I have gotten more agreements than new reviews. That means agreements I made while great aren't being counted while I am poor. Is this fair?
A12: Any agreement that occured while your performance rating was Poor will not count towards your Recon medal. To improve your rating, review the training materials and re-evaluate how you are analyzing candidates based on the criteria.
Q16: I have two questions regarding portals. While I can see the value of having parks, churches, monuments, etc. as viable portals, I find myself puzzled by the inclusion of playgrounds. The minimum age is 13 and it would seem the majority of the playerbase is well over that. As someone who has been questioned by suspicious mothers at playgrounds (why is that strange lone man hanging around a playground with a camera?) and I would rather be questioned by the cops than have that happen again. Since schools are not allowed as portals (presumably because Niantic does not want strangers hanging around schools), why are playgrounds? Second, why are portals on military bases considered viable? Hospitals, firehouses, and other emergency services are considered off limits, so why should military bases, and other restricted government facilities be considered acceptable?
A16: Playgrounds that are within a park or a community gathering area are acceptable candidates. They fall under the criteria of public spaces that encourage walking and exercise. Currently, our policy is that Portals on Military bases should be given a one-star rating.
Q39: It seems more and more spoofers are concentrating on the weekends, as they can do much damage without being banned until monday. Are there any plans to have someone available during weekends to take action in these cases?
A39: Yes.

November 20th 2017

Q5: I once took a look under the hood of OPR and noticed a hidden rating for the photo. Will we be able to rate that at some point?
A5: No, the photo quality can be taken into account in your first impression when answering “Should this be a portal?”. An otherwise acceptable photo that is just low quality will be able to be replaced with a better photo in the future.
Q7: Would a mandatory OPR test be something you could explore for those stuck at bad rating? What are the percentage thresholds for ratings or is it more complicated? If so, any additional comments?
A7: This sounds like something worth considering. There are many reasons you may have a poor rating in OPR. The best way to recover is to continue to analyze candidates and follow the criteria and guidelines to the best of your ability.
Q19: Can the OPR team rearrange the ratings so that the questions/ratings are in some sort of order?
A19: Unfortunately, this is subjective and everyone would have to agree on a single order.
Q28: hi, why my Recon number on ingress scanner is still 2118, then in ops site it's 2199? will you fix it?
A28: If your rating has ever dipped below good then some agreements may not be have been counted during that time.
Q41: I went to Panama/Mexico, and did some opr down there.... I went from Great to Poor in the matter of a day while maintaining a 70% agreement ratio. I have close to 200 agreements since then...and my needle hasn't moved..and my stat isn't counting. My questions are: What gives?
A41: OPR performance takes many factors into account including abuse detection. The best way to ensure your rating stays high is to take time to carefully analyze each candidate.

November 13th 2017

Q2: I've been thinking about some incentives/disincentives for portal submissions. It is frustrating to wait 2 weeks to submit more. If a portal gets approved, why not open up that slot at that time?
A2: I understand the frustration. I'm sure, in time, things will be tweaked.
Q33: Are there any plans to improve state of the support system? My communication with Ingress support left me with negative feelings, as i have been left with a copy-pasted response, and my further attempts to contact anyone have always been met with lack of any response (with support requests being silently closed), which as you probably understand is quite frustrating.
A33: The short answer is, yes.

October 30th 2017

Q6: Any chance of getting some help with celebrating 3 years of #IngressFS ? We'd love to hold a collaborative challenge like last year, but better
A6: Yes. Let me see what I can do.
Q55: I was also wondering what happens to a reviewers rating if a submission gets rejected due to being too close. Does it count as an agreement if he accepted it or if he rejected it?
A55: Left its seeds while I was sleeping...

October 23rd 2017

Q13: When reviewing on OPR many submissions are in the middle of a road, for example, I find the need to change the location of the submission and I move it nearer to the object of the portal submission in a safe location. Does the Accessibility rating then refer to the original location, my suggested location or the general area around the object of the portal (i.e., not necessarily where the player will have to stand to execute a US)?
A13: The accessibility rating should always be about be for the actual location of the object.
Q35: Hi Andrew, long time fan, first time AMA caller. What's your take on one faction collaborating to group deny or accept OPR submissions for certain areas?
A35: I am against it and feel like it is against the spirit of the tool.

October 17th 2017

Q8: would it be possible to get result average star rating from opr in the rejected portal submissions?
A8: That's not a bad idea. I have no idea what the level of effort is to implement this though. But it could be good feedback.

October 9th 2017

Q40: OPR: when a portal receives 1 star, it is automatically submitted. When I want to specify why, I have to write a comment before giving the rating. Is this comment then transmitted, or is it discarded?
A40: I don't believe it is discarded.

October 2nd 2017

Q30: My question from the previous AMA. Does it make sense to you having badges for people who contribute to Ingress creating missions? Probably increase counter for that badge only if say 10 people pass the particular mission.
A30: My fear with creating a badge like this is that we would be flooded with low quality missions similar to what happened with the Seer badge. I'm sure there is some creative way to do this, maybe by the number of people that complete a mission and it's rating? But just for creating a mission would be bad in my opinion.
Q92: How should I report abuses on portal sub/ rating? There is no form for this.
A92: Depending on the issue you can report it via the Portal Appeals Community or the Help Center at
Q95: On the 19th of november, during MD Dordrecht, I'll be celebrating my 5th Bursterday. I will trow a smal foodgress at my favorite italian restaurant somewhere around it. Since you enjoyed the Mission Day in Deventer so much, are you coming to Dordrecht to celebrate with me, or are you willing to come to Enschede to celebrate? Or will you share the famous lasagna recipe (or something else) with the players from the first hour that are still playing to make up for missing this special day? I'm sure you've registered the registration date of our accounts!
A95: Happy Bursterday in advance. Due to other travel I have scheduled for November I won't be able to make it to Dordrecht. Maybe next time.

August 28th 2017

Q9: When you are able to get your grind on. What do you like to do most?
A9: I've been known to walk around town with my volume up to 11 so people can hear the Resonator destroyed sound. Yeah... I'm that guy. So destroying probably if was forced to pick and it didn't include operating or strategic planning.

August 14th 2017

Q14: Hi Andrew. May I ask what's NIA employees, and NIA Ops' attitude towards actions violating not TOS, but Agent Guideline? eg. win-trading.
A14: My personal opinion is on the record. Intentionally cooperating during the course of general game play should not occur. This does not include special events like Mission Day, First Saturdays, Anomalies, or even special fielding missions to make art. I don't know how NIA OPS interprets this though and this is just my opinion.
Q18: What are future plans for incorporating the growing player base in Africa and possibly another satellite/anomaly/Mission Day in South Africa?
A18: Send me a message with what ideas you have. At this exact moment in time, I am not aware of anything specifically for Africa. But that doesn't mean tomorrow we won't.
Q25: I've heard complaints from lots of agents and even experienced this myself as recently as yesterday... People are complaining about portals they own/have resos on being attacked and even neutralized without ANY in game notifications. It seems to happen randomly and doesn't matter if it is one person on the portal or 8 different agents, or whether users are Android or iPhone. Is this a widespread problem? It is bad enough sometimes we can't defend portals because of lag, but not being able to defend at all is really disheartening/frustrating. So... Is support aware of it? Are they doing anything?
A25: As I understand it, it is 5 minutes between notifications until your resonator is off the portal. Then you'll get no more notifications. So if multiple people are on a portal, only the last gets the notification. But I am not aware of situations with no notifications at all. Can you send me the recent details in a private post?

August 7th 2017

Q12: Will - Ingress | Player Cards be updated with new designs? Any plans on integrating PRISMA-like filters to achieve an orig biocard design?
A12: We've talked about it. I think other priorities are taking precedent at the moment.

July 31st 2017

Q31: Fuck you, fuck your company, fuck your game. I was banned after moving to a different city after taking a break from the game and the appeal did nothing. Hope you step on a Lego.
A31: Well hello Dan! Nice to meet you. Legos really are the bane of parenthood. If you are reaching out for help, there are better ways to ask than an expletive laden post on an AMA. Shoot me a HO or TG message and I'll see what I can do. I know the process can sometimes be frustrating. But if we treat each other with respect we'll accomplish more.

July 17th 2017

Q13: Does OPR make a distinction between 2, 3, 4 and 5 stars when deciding if an analysis will count towards the badge? If it doesn't (and I suspect it doesn't), there's no reason to submit any number of stars but 1 or 5. Users are incentivized to only submit extreme ratings: if they don't, it lowers their chance of matching the final result.
A13: I would not recommend only submitting extreme ratings.