Ingress AMA Archive

Any clarifications regarding portal/wayspot criteria is outdated.
Please refer to the official Wayfarer criteria for all current criteria

Found 8 results for Apartment

August 2019

Q70: Here there are a lot of apartment complexes with private playgrounds, which is kind of a grey area. On the one hand, they are not single residences, but on the other hand they are private residences, often with lots of signs warning off trespassers. Can we, in the interest of not encouraging rude behaviour by Agents (and by extension, those who play Those Other Games) declare such private playgrounds as off limits, much like schools are?
A70: As you describe it, these are completely eligible candidates. A person’s personal behaviour is not an indication of whether something is eligible to be a Portal.

June/July 2019

Q62: I would really like some information on pools located inside neighborhood communities or apartment complexes. They're open to the whole neighborhood and promote exercise, community and meeting your neighbors. They're gated to keep kids from falling in, usually, but while playgrounds right next to them inside the same neighborhoods pass, the pools fail. They're open to the same people. To me, the pools should be a pretty clear fit to the rules but none seem to pass.
A62: NIA OPS replied that, they agree with the community’s decision. Swimming pools do not fall under the same category of exercise equipment in a park and would not be considered eligible unless it had historical or cultural significance.
Q82: Are apartment buildings considered Private residential property?
A82: For the purposes of submitting a Portal, they are acceptable areas. Portals on single-family private residential property are not allowed.

March 2019

Q64: An OPR question as there seems to be some confusion over the definition of a Private Residential Property. When giving 1* for location due to being PRP, it specifies SINGLE family residences, leading many to assume that multiple family residences like apartments are ok. An example would be a Grade II listed former church which has been converted into apartments but keeping all the original exterior features. Are multiple family residences with great historic/cultural value an acceptable POI?
A64: The response from NIA OPS is that, “The Private Residential Property is specific to Single family residences as the criteria specifies.”

December 19th 2017

Q32: Is a single building apartment complex a public space?
A32: This is a very vague question and would require more information to give an informed opinion. However, generally, they are not considered private residential property.
Q160: Please clarify "community gathering area" meaning in terms of OPR.
A160: A place where members of the community can gather outside of their homes. A congregation point with something Portal worthy at the location. I don't understand the over analyzing of this topic besides people being unhappy that an apartment complex has a playground in the middle with a portal they can't access are upset about it. People need to stop over analyzing things and making mountains out of molehills. There is really too much in life to legitimately get worked up about beyond whether or not you can access a playground portal or not. I wish people would devote 1/10th the energy to a charitable act that they do arguing about playgrounds and military bases in Ingress.

October 2nd 2017

Q99: The OPR guide states to 1-star apartment/development signs. Does this include neighborhood and business entrance monuments?
A99: I would need more information to render an opinion. I have seen historical neighborhood signs be portals.

July 31st 2017

Q24: There are portals available in hard to access locations (having portals in corporate spaces which require gatepass to access is not against the TOS).. Such portals are a great advantage for the faction players who are lucky enough to work there.. The problem is the other faction start complaining and escalating to Nia ops etc seeking for portal removal.. What is your take on this..
A24: My understanding is portals on commercial property are allowed, this includes apartment complexes. Portals on private residential property are not allowed. The issue is one of access. If the player controls the access and can categorically deny everyone, that's not fair. If a hundred people have access but only one is an Ingress player... well... that's an entirely different situation.