Ingress AMA Archive

Any clarifications regarding portal/wayspot criteria is outdated.
Please refer to the official Wayfarer criteria for all current criteria

Found 2 results for height

November 2019

Q53: Regarding the policy that you must be able to reach out and touch a wayspot for it to be safe, does this disqualify objects/paintings on the outside of buildings that are too high to reach from the ground?
A53: The policy page says “Regardless of any other criteria, if a nomination doesn’t have pedestrian access it is not eligible.” Height is not something that is explicitly considered. If you can safely reach the wall a mural is painted on, but the mural is 20 feet off the ground, that is fine.

July 25th 2017

Q12: Would underwater portals ever be A Thing? For example the MUSA Museo Subacuático de Arte in Cancun
A12: Interesting question. I think some exist already. We don’t take height into account. I personally don’t see a difference between summiting a mountain top with specialized gear any different than needing specialized gear to submit an underwater portal. Just my opinion though.