Ingress AMA Archive

Any clarifications regarding portal/wayspot criteria is outdated.
Please refer to the official Wayfarer criteria for all current criteria

Found 2 results for bridges

October 2019

Q43: There was a recent debate on reddit about “Bridges” being portal candidates. Regular car bridges clearly should not be portals, however what about wooden walking trail bridges throughout a park or nature preserve on the trail/path?
A43: The answer from NIA OPS is, “If they are accessible by foot and expected to be used as part of the trail, they would meet criteria.”

February 2018

Q72: What is the stance on traffic Bridges in opr that are unique in architecture, or have history, or are now historical ruins, which have safe pedestrian access?
A72: NIA OPS says, sounds like it would meet criteria if it has some significance and has pedestrian access. If it's not easily apparent, adding a clear description about the significance of the Portal candidate will help other OPR reviewers evaluate it accurately.