Ingress AMA Archive

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Please refer to the official Wayfarer criteria for all current criteria

Found 1 results for Sidewalks

January 2019

Q27: When it comes to "Safe Pedestrian Access" - There seems to be discrepancies between the definition for locations in Europe vs North America. In North America, there are these nice sidewalks, traffic signs, and such that makes an obvious "Safe Passage". In many places in Europe there are many streets where there aren't many paths dedicated to Pedestrian access. There is more of a "shared" area with vehicles and pedestrians. (You would think that after 2500 years of civilization, they could define sidewalks - but that's for another AMA). Should there be different criteria for different regions based on local guidelines and traditions that the community follows, or should there be a global criteria where "Safe Pedestrian Access" is the same?
A27: It would be impossible to set a specific global requirement. We also have to default to local municipalities and their laws. What is required in Thailand for a pedestrian offset may not be required in England. But both are deemed safe by local laws. So there is essentially different criteria and why people of a region and familiar with places review submissions.